Saturday, April 19, 2008

Day 1

Strange to say, but it felt like Christmas this morning. I know that major changes are about to happen. This is something I have been thinking about doing for months. And, something I really need to do. I have binged, basically for the past month. Eating whatever I want, in whatever quantity. Yesterday was no exception, I went all out since I knew today was my first day going raw. I had potato pancakes, french fries, fish sandwich, angus beef sub from name it! My weight this morning was 237 (yes, my highest weight of all time)

I started this morning with a 1/2 tsp of bee pollen and a 1/2 tsp honey and an apple. I am working 12 hours in the ER today so I'm bringing fruits and nuts with me and am going to get a salad for lunch. I will only add raw foods to my salad. I'm going to weigh myself every day for a little bit, for added motivation. I know the last time I ate raw I lost quite a bit of weight pretty quickly.

The challenge is that there is always food around the ER, and sometimes if I'm stressed I eat...lots of times. So, that's where my fruit and nuts come in!

I just got home from work and I did awesome, I didn't eat anything that wasn't on my plan and raw! There was a challenge the moment I arrived, there was a plate of chocolaty, frosted, coconut things. And later one of the docs brought in a huge thing of brownies. I didn't touch one of them. I also didn't feel hungry, weak and headachey like I thought I might. (The ER was so busy, and it is a full moon...maybe I didn't have time to feel hungry) I had almonds, pumpkin seeds, an orange, an apple, grapes and a salad with lettuce, carrots, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, 5 olives, balsamic vinegar and a sprinkle of bee pollen. I did have two cups of coffee with 2 creamers not perfect. I also made sure I took my vitamins this morning.

I am interested in sequential eating, I don't know if it makes a difference. But, I ate my fruit, before my veggies, before my nuts. I hope I do just as well tomorrow! I work 12n-1900. Tomorrow is my grand-nieces birthday too, little family get together here, but I won't be here anyway...Kinda a good thing. :)

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